WinBin WinBig!

The truly random prize machine.

The WinBin is a one-of-a-kind prize machine relying completely on gravity to determine winners. The patented raffle, sweepstakes, and instant winner machine is a great way to build up your customer loyalty database.

Sweepstakes, Raffles, and Instant Winners

Multiple types of giveaways with every entry, rewarding customers for their loyalty

Promotional Sweepstakes

Schedule Special Promos

Schedule time-specific promos to auto-switch during set time.

Select Random Winner

Select random winner with or without an equal chance.

Alert Winners Through Backend

Alert promotional winners through email and optional push/text notifications

Generate Promo-Specific Reports

Graphical representation and spreadsheet exporting to excel, pdf, and csv documents

Email Blast Target Audiance

Email blast all users entered into specific promotions

Offer Promo-Specific Bonuses

Offer bonus points / scan frequencies during specific promos

Instant Winner & Raffle Prize Tubes

Multiple Tube Settings For Different Prize Types

Instant winners, progressive tubes, raffle tubes with set dates, and repeatable raffles

Fully Editable Prize Values

Whether it's cash or a prize giveaway, you can alert your user in unicode text

Select Random Winner

Select random raffle winner with or without equal chance

Get full analytics on which tubes hit more frequently

Give yourself the freedom to control giveaways by tracking which tubes have more frequent hit rates.

Winner Notification, Reporting, and Verification

Two-Level Verification

Both digital and physical verification of winners

Track Winner History

View details on a customer and their full history of successful tube entries (location, value, etc)

Analyze Win History

View winner and prize history of tubes, terminals and customers

Winner Loyalty Details

Track winner loyalty details, money spent, frequency of visits, and much more

Instantly Notify on Win Event

Send alert to Customer Service Desk on Instant Winner Tube

Contact Winners Through Backend

Notify customers on Raffle Wins directly through web portal

Get in touch with us for more info on the WinBin

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the WinBin a gambling machine?

No. The WinBin is a no-purchase-necessary prize and raffle machine which does not require a gambling license when used properly. Think of it as a rewards system for signing people up to your loyalty program, as well as continue to reward a customer's loyalty that has already registered.

How much does it cost?

Due to the complete personalization of each and every WinBin, prices vary. Fill out our Get a Quote section to find out pricing packages and payment plans that will apply to your business needs.

Our business doesn't want a shared server or a machine to be connected to the internet. What can we do?

We offer a local server package for your WinBin(s) which allows you to have all your local WinBin(s) connect without an outside connection needed. Our servers are completely secure with multiple layers of encryption and one-way hashing security, but if an internal server is necessary we have you covered!

I'm still not sure how it works or how it can apply to my business.

No worries! We will be adding a youtube channel soon for some demos and examples, and are more than happy to give a live demo for your business. Request a live demo today!

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